- 35 - "implied working capital" (estimated as 4 percent of net revenue, in accordance with industry standards, or $416,46224) and (ii) fixed assets (Narvco's $1,156,733 appraised value), producing an estimated value for SWMG's intangible assets of $2,515,255. Mr. Dutcher further opined that SWMG's intangible value represented a "bundle" of intangible assets, including "assembled workforce, patient records, provider contracts, trademarks and tradename, and practice goodwill".25 For purpose of allocating the $2,515,255 value for SWMG's intangible assets to the 29 SWMG physicians, Mr. Dutcher simply adopted the same formula devised by Dr. Levin. The Dutcher appraisal offered no analysis of the appropriateness of Dr. Levin's formula. The business enterprise value of SWMG as estimated in the Houlihan and Dutcher appraisals differed by only 2 percent 24 In Mr. Dutcher's view, substituting an amount for "implied working capital", based on industry standards, instead of measuring actual current assets and liabilities, provided a more accurate measure of the business enterprise value of a going concern, since the level of current assets and liabilities fluctuates greatly. 25 In Mr. Dutcher's view, the goodwill of a medical or other professional practice consists of "practice goodwill", which is associated with the entity, and "professional goodwill", which is associated with the individual. According to Mr. Dutcher, the practice goodwill of a medical practice generally consists of such items of value as patient records, provider contracts, assembled workforce, trademarks and tradenames, and going concern value. Professional goodwill, in his view, "results from the charisma, knowledge, skill, and reputation of a specific practitioner", is not transferable, and has no economic value.Page: Previous 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 NextLast modified: March 27, 2008