Charles A. and Marian L. Derby, et al. - Page 32

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               Attached to each petitioner's 1994 return was a Form 8283,             
          Noncash Charitable Contributions, in support of the charitable              
          contribution deduction claimed for the transfer of intangible               
          assets to SMF.  Part III, Certification of Appraiser, of Section            
          B of the Form 8283 was executed by Houlihan and dated April 7,              
          1995, the date of the Houlihan appraisal.  Part IV, Donee                   
          Acknowledgment, of Section B of the Form 8283 was executed on               
          behalf of SMF by Karl Silberstein, "VP", and dated July 18, 1995.           
               On its 1994 return, Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt            
          From Income Tax, SMF did not report as contributions received any           
          donations of intangible assets or goodwill from petitioners or              
          any other SWMG physician.                                                   
          VI. Dutcher Appraisal                                                       
               After respondent commenced an examination of petitioners'              
          1994 returns, petitioners' counsel in this case retained another            
          appraiser, Ernest E. Dutcher, managing member of National                   
          Business Appraisers, L.L.C., to "independently determine the                
          market value of the intangible assets of SWMG as of * * *                   
          November 1, 1994, assuming a sale to a qualified buyer who could            
          either be a for-profit entity or a 501(c)(3) corporation."  Mr.             
          Dutcher's appraisal (Dutcher appraisal) postulated that the value           
          of the aggregate intangibles of the SWMG physicians was equal to            

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