Estate of Helen Christiansen, Deceased, Christine Christiansen Hamilton, Personal Representative - Page 42

                                       - 42 -                                         
          The second sentence of section 25.2518-2(e)(3), Gift Tax Regs.,             
          provides as follows:                                                        
                         (3) Partial failure of disclaimer.                           
                        *     *     *     *     *     *     *                         
                    If the portion of the disclaimed interest in property             
                    which the disclaimant has a right to receive is not               
                    severable property or an undivided portion of the                 
                    property, then the disclaimer is not a qualified                  
                    disclaimer with respect to any portion of the property.           
                    * * * [Emphasis added.]                                           

               Thus, all of the $2,421,671 passing to the trust (i.e., not            
          only the $434,156 reflecting the agreed 18-percent value of the             
          retained contingent remainder but also the $1,987,515 reflecting            
          the agreed 82-percent value of the annuity) is to be treated as             
          disqualifed only if the disqualified contingent remainder is not            
          severable from the annuity.                                                 
               With regard to severability, section 25.2518-3(a)(1)(ii),              
          Gift Tax Regs., provides that to be treated as severable property           
          the separate interests must maintain “a complete and independent            
          existence.”  I see no reason the fixed annuity and the remainder            
          before us could not and would not be treated as independent of              
          each other.                                                                 
               The severable nature of a fixed dollar, fixed term annuity             
          such as that involved herein and a remainder are well established           
          by the Commissioner’s own regulations and ruling position.  See             
          section 20.2055-2(a), Estate Tax Regs., and section 25.2522(c)-             

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