Estate of Helen Christiansen, Deceased, Christine Christiansen Hamilton, Personal Representative - Page 46

               A.   Overly Broad Interpretation                                       
               The majority disallows the disclaimer on the grounds that              
          Christiansen’s daughter retained a contingent remainder in the              
          Trust.  The majority interprets the example in section 25.2518-             
          2(e)(3), Gift Tax Regs., to mean that retaining any remainder in            
          a trust that receives disclaimed property will always disqualify            
          the disclaimer.  The majority relies upon the italicized sentence           
          in the example in section 25.2518-2(e)(3), Gift Tax Regs., to               
          conclude that this italicized sentence “seems to resolve this               
          issue.”1  See majority op. p. 16.  It seems to me that the                  
          majority ignores the other sentences in this section including              
          the immediately preceding sentence that focuses on whether the              
          property is severable.  The majority disregards any                         
          severable/nonseverable analysis to disqualify the disclaimer.               
          This interpretation is inconsistent with several other important            
          provisions of the regulation.                                               
               First, had the drafters of this regulation intended to                 
          establish such a broad rule, the drafters would not have included           
          the severable/nonseverable language immediately before the                  
          italicized sentence.  The sentence upon which the majority relies           
          is simply an illustration to distinguish the consequences of                

               1The majority italicized this sentence in its reproduction             
          of sec. 25.2518-2(e)(3), Gift Tax Regs.  The italics do not                 
          appear in the regulation itself.                                            

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