Henry M. Lloyd - Page 60

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          period 1998 through 2004 (i.e., $7,154.68), rather than his                 
          average monthly wage income for the three-year period 2002                  
          through 2004, petitioner’s RCP would be $937,464.84.36  Peti-               
          tioner’s RCP as so calculated exceeds the amount (i.e., $139,776)           
          in petitioner’s June 24, 2005 offer-in-compromise that petitioner           
          offered to compromise, inter alia, petitioner’s unpaid liabili-             
          ties for 1990, 1991, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1997, and 2002.  See IRM             
          pt. (Sept. 1, 2005).                                           

               36The monthly average of petitioner’s wage income for 1998             
          through 2004 is $7,154.68.  See supra note 32.  Adding to that              
          amount petitioner’s other monthly income (i.e., $1,992) and                 
          subtracting petitioner’s allowed monthly necessary living ex-               
          penses (i.e., $6,243) results in “excess” monthly income of                 
          $2,903.68.  That amount of “excess” monthly income multiplied by            
          48 months results in “future income” of $139,376.64.  That amount           
          of “future income” plus the amount that the settlement officer              
          calculated as the “net realizable equity” component of peti-                
          tioner’s RCP (i.e., $798,088.20), which “net realizable equity”             
          component petitioner does not dispute in petitioner’s response,             
          results in a reasonable collection potential for petitioner of              
          $937,464.84.  In this connection, we note that on Sept. 6, 2005,            
          the second offer specialist sent petitioner a letter and enclosed           
          with that letter a so-called Asset/Equity Table which showed a              
          fair market value of real estate owned by petitioner of $995,714,           
          a quick sale value of that real estate of the same amount,                  
          encumbrances on that real estate of $625,000, and “net realizable           
          equity” with respect to that real estate of $370,714.  However,             
          in a footnote next to those amounts the second offer specialist             
          indicated:  “Encumbrances not documented - subject to further               
          valuation.”  The notice of determination that the Appeals Office            
          issued to petitioner on Feb. 8, 2006, indicated, inter alia, that           
          petitioner had real estate with a fair market value of $995,714,            
          that that real estate had a quick sale value of $796,571.20 (or             
          80 percent of that fair market value), that any encumbrances with           
          respect to that real estate were “Not documented”, and that                 
          petitioner’s total “net realizable equity” was $798,088.20.  In             
          petitioner’s response, petitioner does not dispute the determina-           
          tion in the notice of determination of petitioner’s “net realiz-            
          able equity” of $798,088.20.                                                

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