Henry M. Lloyd - Page 61

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               Assuming arguendo, as petitioner argues alternatively, that            
          the “future income” component of petitioner’s RCP should have               
          been calculated by using his average monthly wage income for the            
          twelve-year period 1993 through 2004, rather than his average               
          monthly wage income for the three-year period 2002 through 2004,            
          petitioner’s RCP would be $927,737.64.37  Petitioner’s RCP as so            
          calculated exceeds the amount ($139,776) in petitioner’s June 24,           
          2005 offer-in-compromise that petitioner offered to compromise,             
          inter alia, petitioner’s unpaid liabilities for 1990, 1991, 1992,           
          1994, 1996, 1997, and 2002.  See IRM pt. (Sept. 1,             
               On the record before us, we find that the settlement officer           
          did not abuse the settlement officer’s discretion in rejecting              
          the offer of $139,776 in petitioner’s June 24, 2005 offer-in-               

               37The monthly average of petitioner’s wage income for 1993             
          through 2004 is $6,952.03.  See supra note 32.  Adding to that              
          amount petitioner’s other monthly income (i.e., $1,992) and                 
          subtracting petitioner’s allowed monthly necessary living ex-               
          penses (i.e., $6,243) results in “excess” monthly income of                 
          $2,701.03.  That amount of “excess” monthly income multiplied by            
          48 months results in “future income” of $129,649.44.  That amount           
          of “future income” plus the amount that the settlement officer              
          calculated as the “net realizable equity” component of peti-                
          tioner’s reasonable collection potential (i.e., $798,088.20),               
          which “net realizable equity” component petitioner does not                 
          dispute in petitioner’s response, results in a reasonable collec-           
          tion potential for petitioner of $927,737.64.  See supra note 36.           

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