§ 79A.05.740. Mt. Si conservation area -- Valuation of included lands
The full market value for department of natural resources' managed trust lands or interest therein within the conservation area shall be determined by the department of natural resources for any lands or interests to be dedicated or leased as provided herein. The department of natural resources shall determine the value of dedicating such lands or interests in lands as it may determine to be necessary to carry out the purposes of chapter 306, Laws of 1977 ex. sess. either by execution of fifty-five year scenic or development easements or by execution of fifty-five year leases, including such conditions as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of chapter 306, Laws of 1977 ex. sess. Any lease issued pursuant to chapter 306, Laws of 1977 ex. sess. may be subject to renewal under the provisions of *RCW 79.01.276 as presently existing or hereafter amended. Nothing in chapter 306, Laws of 1977 ex. sess. shall be deemed to alter or affect normal management on lands owned by the state for which no dedication by easement or lease has been made and it is further recognized that no restrictions on management of such lands shall be required unless the applicable trust relating to such lands shall have been compensated.
[1998 c 245 § 67; 1977 ex.s. c 306 § 4. Formerly RCW 43.51.944.]
*Reviser's note: RCW 79.01.276 was repealed by 1979 1st ex.s. c 109 § 23.
Sections: Previous 79A.05.700 79A.05.705 79A.05.710 79A.05.715 79A.05.725 79A.05.730 79A.05.735 79A.05.740 79A.05.745 79A.05.750 79A.05.755 79A.05.760 79A.05.765 79A.05.770 79A.05.775 Next
Last modified: April 7, 2009