§ 79A.05.765. Yakima river conservation area -- Authority of Yakima county commissioners
The Yakima county commissioners are authorized to coordinate the acquisition, development, and operation of the Yakima river conservation area in accordance with the purposes of RCW 79A.05.750 through 79A.05.795 and in cooperation with public parks, conservation and resource managing agencies.
[2000 c 11 § 62; 1977 ex.s. c 75 § 4. Formerly RCW 43.51.949.]
Sections: Previous 79A.05.730 79A.05.735 79A.05.740 79A.05.745 79A.05.750 79A.05.755 79A.05.760 79A.05.765 79A.05.770 79A.05.775 79A.05.780 79A.05.785 79A.05.790 79A.05.793 79A.05.795 NextLast modified: April 7, 2009