§ 79A.05.755. "Washington State Yakima river conservation area" -- Created
There is hereby created an area to be known as the "Washington State Yakima river conservation area". This area designation may be used as a common reference by all state and local agencies, municipalities, and federal agencies.
[1977 ex.s. c 75 § 3. Formerly RCW 43.51.947.]
Sections: Previous 79A.05.715 79A.05.725 79A.05.730 79A.05.735 79A.05.740 79A.05.745 79A.05.750 79A.05.755 79A.05.760 79A.05.765 79A.05.770 79A.05.775 79A.05.780 79A.05.785 79A.05.790 NextLast modified: April 7, 2009