Code of Alabama - Title 25: Industrial Relations and Labor - Section 25-9-131 - Surface storage of explosives and detonators

Section 25-9-131 - Surface storage of explosives and detonators.

(a) Separate surface magazines shall be provided for the storage of explosives and detonators and shall be kept in good repair.

(b) Magazines shall be constructed of or covered with fire and weather resistant material, shall be reasonably bullet proof and shall have no metal or sparking material exposed inside the magazine. When a magazine is used for more than one type of explosive, each type shall be stored separately.

(c) The only openings shall be doors for entrance, which shall be securely locked when unattended, and properly screened vents.

(d) If artificial light is needed, only an electric flashlight, electric lantern, or electric cap lamp shall be used. Smoking, carrying of smokers' articles, or open flame are prohibited in or within 25 feet of any magazine. Combustible materials, including rubbish and dry grass, shall be kept clear of any magazine for a distance of 25 feet in all directions.

(e) Other material shall not be stored with explosives or detonators and metallic tools shall not be used for opening containers of explosives.

(f) Distributing magazines, constructed of two-inch hardwood, or metal lined with nonsparking material or an equivalent may be used for storage or distribution of not more than 125 pounds of explosives or 5,000 detonators. No magazine shall be placed in a building containing any highly flammable material or waste and shall be at least 20 feet from a stove, furnace, open fire, or flame.

(g) All magazines shall be not less than 200 feet from any mine opening, unless effectively barricaded, and suitable danger signs shall be placed near all magazines.

(Acts 1949, No. 207, p. 242, ยง26.)

Last modified: May 3, 2021