Ex parte MANTL et al. - Page 2

          Appeal No. 94-3365                                                          
          Application 07/759,571                                                      

                             THE CLAIMED SUBJECT MATTER                               
               The subject matter on appeal is directed to a method of                
          forming a mixed-crystal structure or a crystalline chemical                 
          compound film having desired properties on a crystalline                    
          substrate, without the formation of lattice defects at the                  
          interface thereof.  See specification, page 2, lines 13-18, and             
          page 3, lines 10-11, and claim 1.  The method comprises initially           
          providing a commercially available SIMOX-wafer as a starting                
          material.  See specification, pages 6 and 7, examples 1 and 2.              
          The SIMOX-wafer consists of a crystalline silicon substrate, a              
          buried amorphous silicon dioxide layer and a monocrystalline                
          silicon surface layer.  See specification, examples 1 and 2 in              
          conjunction with claim 1, step (a).  The monocrystalline silicon            
          surface layer of the SIMOX-wafer is subsequently transformed into           
          a mixed-crystal structure or a crystalline chemical compound.               
          See specification, page 4 in conjunction with claim 1, step (b).            
          The unaltered amorphous layer interposed between the mixed-                 
          crystal structure or the crystalline chemical compound and the              
          crystalline substrate precludes "the propagation of defects from            
          the interface" due to "no communicated stresses at the                      
          crystalline/amorphous interface."  See specification, page 3,               
          lines 12-20.                                                                


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Last modified: November 3, 2007