Ex parte MANTL et al. - Page 3

          Appeal No. 94-3365                                                          
          Application 07/759,571                                                      

          The mixed-crystal or crystalline chemical compound includes a               
          particularly formed Si-Ge film or CoSi .  See specification,                
          pages 6 and 7, examples 1 and 2.  The resulting composition is              
          said to be useful for electronic, electrooptic or optical                   
          components.  See specification, page 3, lines 4-5 in conjunction            
          with claim 1.                                                               
               Claim 1 is representative of the subject matter on appeal              
          and reads as follows:                                                       
               1.  A method of making a crystalline element for an                    
          electronic, electrooptic or optical component, comprising:                  
               (a) providing a crystalline substrate having a buried                  
          amorphous layer formed therein and a monocrystalline layer on               
          said amorphous layer and separated from said substrate by said              
          amorphous layer; and                                                        
               (b) transforming said monocrystalline layer into a mixed-              
          crystal structure or a crystalline chemical compound, whereby               
          said amorphous layer is interposed between said substrate and               
          said structure or compound.                                                 
                                      PRIOR ART                                       
               As evidence of obviousness, the examiner relied on the                 
          following references:                                                       
          Maeguchi                 4,463,492           Aug.  7, 1984                  
          Mao et al (Mao)          4,902,642           Feb. 20, 1990                  
                                            (filed Aug. 24, 1988)                    
          Ishizaka et al. (Ishizaka)   5,047,111       Sep. 10, 1991                  
                                             (filed Oct. 16, 1987)                    


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