Ex parte MIYABAYASHI - Page 3

          Appeal No. 95-1527                                                          
          Application No. 07/862,066                                                  
               Claim 1 stands rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as                       
          unpatentable over admitted prior art in view of Lam.                        
               The admitted prior art is illustrated in Figure 7 and                  
          described on pages 1-3 of Appellant’s Specification.                        
          According to the examiner, it would have been obvious to                    
          modify the admitted prior art by incorporating the recited                  
          presetting means in order to provide high access speed as                   
          taught by Lam.  Examiner’s Answer at 3.  Appellants argue that              
          Lam fails to deal with the problem of increased capacitance as              
          a result of the selection arrangement and also fails to                     
          suggest any means of solving that problem.  Appeal Brief at 4-              
               We agree with the examiner.                                            
               The only difference between the admitted prior art and                 
          the claimed invention is that the claimed invention adds a                  
          presetting means.  Specification at 7, lines 3-5.  The                      
          Specification discloses a pre-charging transistor as a                      
          presetting means.  Specification at 9, lines 17-21.                         
               Lam also discloses a pre-charging transistor as a                      
          presetting means in a read-out circuit for use with a                       
          semiconductor memory device.  Column 5, line 65, through                    
          column 6, line 9.  Lam suggests such an arrangement in order                

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