Ex parte VARSHNEY et al. - Page 2

          Appeal No. 95-2138                                                           
          Application 07/852,078                                                       

               This is a decision on appeal from the final rejection of                
          claims 1 through 3 and 15 through 19, all of the claims pending              
          in the present application.  Claims 4 through 14 have been                   
          withdrawn from consideration as being directed to a non-elected              
               The invention relates to a ferroelectric thin film structure            
          for use in non-volatile random access memory.  In particular,                
          Appellants disclose on pages 3 and 4 of the specification that               
          the invention provides multilayers of alternating zirconate                  
          titanate (PZT) and pure PbTiO3 (PT) and these alternating layers             
          of PZT and PT overcome the prior art problems.  The PZT layers               
          provide low switching fields and the PT layers provide the                   
          maximum signal available by providing a large spontaneous                    
          polarization.  On pages 7-9 of the specification, Appellants                 
          disclose that Figure 4 illustrates the ferroelectric thin film               
          structure having a substrate S and alternating layers of PZT and             


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