Ex parte VARSHNEY et al. - Page 9

          Appeal No. 95-2138                                                           
          Application 07/852,078                                                       

               Appellants argue in the brief and the reply brief that                  
          Swartz fails to teach or suggest a Aferroelectric thin film                  
          structure comprising a substrate and a modulated lead zirconate              
          titanate and PbTiO3 heterostructure ferroelectric thin film                  
          formed on said substrate@ as recited in Appellants= claim 1.                 
          Appellants further argue that Swartz does not suggest the                    
          desirability of using the two materials, PZT and PT together on              
          the same substrate.                                                          
               Upon a careful review of Swartz, we find that Swartz does               
          not teach or suggest a ferroelectric thin film structure as                  
          recited in Appellants= claim 1.  We are not inclined to dispense             
          with proof by evidence when the proposition at issue is not                  
          supported by a teaching in a prior art reference, common                     
          knowledge or capable of unquestionable demonstration.  Our                   
          reviewing court requires this evidence in order to establish a               
          prima facie case.  In re Knapp-Monarch Co., 296 F.2d 230, 232,               
          132 USPQ 6, 8 (CCPA 1961).  In re Cofer, 354 F.2d 664, 668,                  
          148 USPQ 268, 271-72 (CCPA 1966).                                            
               In addition, we find that Swartz does not suggest the                   
          desirability of using the two materials, PZT and PT, together on             
          the same substrate.  The Federal Circuit states that "[t]he mere             
          fact that the prior art may be modified in the manner suggested              


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