Ex parte VARSHNEY et al. - Page 11

          Appeal No. 95-2138                                                           
          Application 07/852,078                                                       

          record.  The supplemental brief defines the term Amodulated@ as              
          Ato adjust to or keep in proper measure or proportion, to vary a             
          characteristic in a periodic or intermittent manner, or to pass              
          gradually from one state to another.@  We note that the                      
          definition provided by The American Heritage Dictionary (2d ed,              
          Boston, Houghton Mifflin Company, 1982) at page 807 for the                  
          electronic usage of modulate is A[t]o vary the frequency,                    
          amplitude, phase, or other characteristic of (a carrier wave).@              
               Although an inventor is indeed free to define the specific              
          terms used to describe his or her invention, this must be done               
          with reasonable clarity, deliberateness, and precision.  In re               
          Paulsen, 30 F.3d 1475, 1479, 31 USPQ 2d 1671, 1674 (Fed. Cir.                
          1994).  Moreover, when interpreting a claim, words of the claim              
          are generally given their ordinary and accustomed meaning, unless            
          it appears from the specification or the file history that they              
          were used differently by the inventor. Carroll Touch, Inc. v.                
          Electro Mechanical Sys., Inc., 15 F.3d 1573, 1577, 27 USPQ2d                 
          1836, 1840 (Fed. Cir. 1993).                                                 
               We note that the definition of the term, Amodulated@ as                 
          argued by Appellants is consistent with Appellants= usage in the             
          specification.  In particular, Appellants state on page 7 of the             
          specification that Figure 4 is a representation of a modulated               

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