Ex parte ITIHASI - Page 3

          Appeal No. 95-3348                                                          
          Application 07/944,967                                                      

                                  The Rejection on Appeal                            
               Claims 1 and 4 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being           
          unpatentable over Shiga and the prior art acknowledged in the               
          appellant's specification..                                                 
                                    The Invention                                     
               The invention is directed to a combination lead frame and              
          pressure sensor assembly.  A die pad exists for the mounting of a           
          load member thereon, comprising one main die pad and two                    
          auxiliary die pads.  The auxiliary die pads are separate from and           
          disposed on opposite sides of the main die pad.  There is an                
          outer frame having four sides.  The supporting leads for the main           
          die pad are connected to a first side of the frame and the                  
          supporting leads for the auxiliary die pads are connected to a              
          second side of the frame opposite the first side.  Also, the                
          supporting leads for the main die pad and for the two auxiliary             
          die pads extend inwardly from the frame in opposite directions.             
               According to the appellant, a structure according to the               
          present invention provides more vertical stability in the                   
          mounting of a load element on the die pad.                                  
               Independent claim 1 is reproduced below:                               
               1. A lead frame and pressure sensor assembly comprising:               
                    a unitary lead frame including:                                   


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Last modified: November 3, 2007