Ex parte ITIHASI - Page 4

          Appeal No. 95-3348                                                          
          Application 07/944,967                                                      

                    an annular outer frame having four sides and lying in a           
               first plane;                                                           
                    a die pad disposed within said frame comprising one               
               main die pad and two auxiliary die pads separate from                  
               and disposed on opposite sides of said main die pad,                   
               said main and auxiliary die pads being commonly                        
               disposed in a second plane spaced from the first plane;                
                    a main die pad supporting lead connected to a first               
               side of said frame and to said main die pad and two                    
               auxiliary die pad supporting leads connected to a                      
               second side of said frame opposite the first side of                   
               said frame and to said two auxiliary die pads,                         
               respectively, each supporting lead having a                            
               predetermined length so that said main die pad and said                
               two auxiliary die pads lie in the second plane, said                   
               main die pad supporting lead and said auxiliary die pad                
               supporting leads respectively extending inwardly from                  
               said frame in opposite directions;                                     
                    at least one connecting lead extending inwardly from              
               said frame for establishing an electrical connection to                
               an element mounted on said main die pad and said two                   
               auxiliary die pads; and                                                
                    a semiconductor pressure detecting element mounted on             
               said main die pad and said two auxiliary die pads.                     

               The rejection of claims 1 and 4 cannot be sustained.                   
               The examiner notes that the prior art discussed in the                 
          appellant's specification does not include auxiliary pads                   
          (answer at 3).  With respect to Shiga, the examiner stated                  
          (answer at 3-4):                                                            
                    In figures 1B and 1E, Shiga et al. teach a lead                   
               frame including an annular outer frame having at least                 


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