Ex parte ITIHASI - Page 6

          Appeal No. 95-3348                                                          
          Application 07/944,967                                                      

          The examiner erroneously concluded (answer at 5) that any two               
          auxiliary pads that are adjacent to one another are separated               
          from and disposed on opposite sides of a corresponding main die.            
               Furthermore, independent claim 1 requires that the                     
          supporting leads for the main die pad and the supporting leads              
          for the two auxiliary die pads extend in "opposite directions."             
          Looking at Shiga's Figures 1(B) and 1(E), we do not see the                 
          supporting leads for one main die pad going one way and the                 
          supporting leads for two auxiliary die pads going in an                     
          "opposite" direction.  The examiner's conclusion that leads 3',             
          3'', and 3''' extend inwardly in opposite directions is without             
          basis.  The most that can be said is that supporting leads 3' and           
          3''' extend in opposite directions and that supporting leads 3              
          and 3'' extend in opposite directions.  But that is not enough to           
          meet the claim.  The term "opposite" is not met by the more                 
          generic characteristic of simply being "different."  The examiner           
          has not adequately explained how two of the leads 3, 3', 3'', and           
          3''', extend in "opposite" direction with respect to another one            
          of 3, 3', 3'', and 3'''.                                                    
               According to the appellant's specification, the various                
          "opposite side" and "opposite direction" features of the claim              
          are what allegedly give the appellant's invention the added                 


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Last modified: November 3, 2007