Ex parte MATSUSHITA - Page 7

          Appeal No. 96-1463                                                          
          Application 08/048,181                                                      

          of the screen to the upper portion of the screen by movement                
          of the cursor with a mouse.                                                 
               Hernandez does indeed disclose polygon shifting, polygon               
          deformation, and polygon rotation, but the polygonal shapes 21              
          through 23 are not displayed on any other images as set forth               
          in parts iii through vi of claim 1 and parts iii through v of               
          claim 9 (Brief, page 7).  In view of this deficiency in the                 
          teachings of Hernandez, we are not convinced by the examiner's              
          reasoning that it would have been obvious to the skilled                    
          artisan to combine Iwasaki with Hernandez "to manipulate the                
          displayed plurality of images by rotating, moving or deforming              
          the polygon to a desired locations [sic, location]" (Answer,                
          page 4).  Stated differently, we do not agree with the                      
          examiner that the skilled artisan would have modified the                   
          specific image synthesizer teachings of Iwasaki with the                    
          polygonal image editing teachings of Hernandez.  If the                     
          teachings of the two references are combined in the manner                  
          suggested by the examiner, we are not even certain what type                
          of device would result from such disparate teachings.  In                   
          summary, we agree with appellant that:                                      


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