Ex parte WILLIAM S. MILLER - Page 2

          Appeal No.  94-1490                                                         
          Application 08/135,833                                                      

                    The invention relates to a telecommunication device               
          (e.g., a facsimile unit) including a display panel and a keyboard           
          having an Undo key.  In addition to the normal function of                  
          canceling the immediately previous keyboard instruction, the                
          claimed Undo key performs the following functions: (a) when the             
          effect of one or more immediately prior actions was to shift the            
          cursor to a character position other than the last displayed                
          character position, a single operation of the Undo key causes the           
          cursor to move to the last displayed character position; and                
          (b) a subsequent operation of the Undo key with the cursor in the           
          last displayed character position causes that character to be               
          deleted and the cursor to move back one position.                           
                    Apparatus claim 1 reads as follows:                               
                         1.  A telecommunication unit including an operator           
                    panel with a keyboard and a display panel, said                   
                    operator panel including a key designated Undo, said              
                    telecommunication unit comprising:                                
                         processor means responsive to a user actuation of            
                    said key designated Undo, to reverse at least an                  
                    immediately previous user-commanded action and to cause           
                    said telecommunication unit to manifest a state in                
                    existence just prior to said immediately previous                 
                    operator-commanded action, and if said immediately                
                    previous user-commanded action results in a displayed             
                    cursor on said display panel being located at any                 
                    character position within a name or number field which            
                    is other than a last displayed character in said name             
                    or number field, said processor means responds to                 
                    actuation of said key designated Undo by moving said              


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Last modified: November 3, 2007