Ex parte WILLIAM S. MILLER - Page 3

          Appeal No.  94-1490                                                         
          Application 08/135,833                                                      

                    cursor to said last displayed character position in               
                    said name or number field, in lieu of causing said                
                    telecommunication unit to manifest a state in existence           
                    just prior to said immediately previous operator                  
                    commanded action, said processor means responding to a            
                    repeat action of said key designated Undo by removing a           
                    character displayed at a character position at which              
                    said cursor is located and moving said cursor back one            
                    character position in said display panel.                         
                    Claim 7, which is the only other independent claim,               
          recites the same limitations in method format.                              
                    The references relied on by the examiner in the Answer            
          Kobayashi                     4,833,705           May  23, 1989             
          Kaufman et al (Kaufman)       5,173,854           Dec. 22, 1992             
          DeAguiar et al (DeAguiar)     5,263,136           Nov. 16, 1993             
                                                  (filed Apr.  30, 1991)              
          Hahn et al (Hahn)             5,307,452           Apr. 26, 1994             
                                                  (filed Sep.  21, 1990)              
          "The World's First Desktop Office is Here" (Canon, Inc.,                    
          publication No. PUB.S-CE-059, 1990) (the Canon article)                     
                    Claims 1, 4-7, and 10-12 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C.           
          § 103 as alternatively unpatentable over:                                   
                    (a) the Canon article; and                                        


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