Ex parte WILLIAM S. MILLER - Page 4

                Appeal No.  94-1490                                                                                                           
                Application 08/135,833                                                                                                        

                                 (b) Kobayashi in view of any one of Kaufman, Hahn, and                                                       
                                 The Canon article discloses a desktop workstation with                                                       
                facsimile capability that includes a display device and a                                                                     
                keyboard having an UNDO key that "Undoes a function" (see                                                                     
                penultimate page).  No other information about UNDO key operation                                                             
                is disclosed.  The examiner contends it would have been obvious                                                               
                to program this UNDO key to perform functions performed by other                                                              
                known function keys, including an "End" key, which causes the                                                                 
                cursor to move to the last displayed character position, a                                                                    
                "Delete" key, which removes the character displayed at the cursor                                                             
                position, and a "Space Bar" key, which allegedly will cause the                                                               
                cursor to move "back" one character position (Answer at 4-5).                                                                 
                Why the examiner states that operation of the Space Bar key will                                                              
                cause the cursor to move back one character position is not                                                                   
                understood.  Operation of a Space Bar key typically moves the                                                                 
                cursor forward one character position at a time, whereas                                                                      
                operation of a Backspace key moves the cursor back one character                                                              

                                 2In the final Office action (at 4) the examiner                                                              
                additionally rejected claims 1, 3-7, and 9-12 under § 103 as                                                                  
                unpatentable over references to Ishii and Chen.  This ground of                                                               
                rejection was not repeated in the Answer and is therefore treated                                                             
                as withdrawn.                                                                                                                 


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