Ex parte MACFARLANE - Page 2

          Appeal No. 96-2744                                                            
          Application 08/004,734                                                        

               This is a decision on appeal from the final rejection of                 
          claims 6 through 8, 10 through 31 and 40 through 56, constituting             
          all the claims pending in the application.                                    
               The invention is directed to a three-dimensional monitor                 
          which employs a three-dimensional array of discrete volumetric                
          optical voxels containing dye which emits light in response to                
          stimulation by electromagnetic radiation.                                     
               Representative independent claims 6 and 10 are reproduced as             
               6.   A voxel, comprising a normally transparent, discrete                
          volumetric display element adapted to emit light in response to               
          stimulation by electromagnetic radiation.                                     

               10. A monitor for displaying electronically generated                    
          images in three-dimensional space, comprising:                                
               a three-dimensional array of discrete volumetric optical                 
               a plurality of transmitting conductors, each transmitting                
          conductor coupled to a respective voxel; and                                  
               an energy source coupled to the transmitting conductors,                 
          adapted to provide energy that causes the voxels to emit visible              
          light when the energy is conducted to them through the                        
          transmitting conductors.                                                      

               The examiner relies on the following references:                         
          Soltan et al. (Soltan)         4,299,447            Nov. 10, 1981             
          Gery                           4,525,711            Jun. 25, 1985             
          Abe et al. (Abe)               4,883,338            Nov. 28, 1989             
          Zuchowski et al.               5,024,521            Jun. 18, 1991             


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