Ex parte MACFARLANE - Page 7

          Appeal No. 96-2744                                                            
          Application 08/004,734                                                        

               Accordingly, we will not sustain the rejection of claims 6               
          and 46 under 35 U.S.C. 102(b).                                                
               We now turn to the rejection of the remainder of the claims              
          under 35 U.S.C. 103.                                                          
               We will not sustain the rejection of the claims under 35                 
          U.S.C. 103.                                                                   
               Each of the independent claims, with the exception of claim              
          50, requires a "voxel" or "volumetric discrete voxels," or some               
          similar recitation.  The rejections of the claims all rely on                 
          Gery for the teaching of such volumetric discrete voxels.                     
          However, as we indicated supra, such voxels are not taught or                 
          suggested by Gery.  While the other references are applied for                
          various other reasons, regarding other claim limitations, we have             
          reviewed these references and find that none of them provides for             
          the deficiency of Gery in this regard.  Accordingly, the claimed              
          subject matter would not have been obvious within the meaning of              
          35 U.S.C. 103.                                                                
               There is a different issue with regard to independent claim              
          50 and the claims dependent therefrom because claim 50 does not               
          require a voxel, or volumetric discrete display elements.                     
          Rather, it calls for a three-dimensional array of normally                    
          substantially transparent optical display elements which read on              


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