Ex parte MACFARLANE - Page 4

          Appeal No. 96-2744                                                            
          Application 08/004,734                                                        

               Rather than reiterate the arguments of appellant and the                 
          examiner, reference is made to the briefs and answer for the                  
          respective details thereof.                                                   
               We turn first to the rejection of claims 6 and 46 under 35               
          U.S.C. 102(b).                                                                
               Anticipation, under 35 U.S.C. § 102, requires that each                  
          element of the claim in issue be found, either expressly                      
          described or under principles of inherency, in a single prior art             
          reference.  Kalman v. Kimberly-Clark Corp., 713 F.2d 760, 771,                
          218 USPQ 781, 789 (Fed. Cir. 1983).                                           
               The examiner has applied Gery to the claimed invention by                
          calling the tip end 36 of the optical fibers a "voxel,"                       
          indicating that the fiber tips take up some volume in space and,              
          therefore, constitute "discrete volumetric display" elements, as              
          claimed.  Further, these fiber ends emit light in response to                 
          stimulation by electromagnetic radiation, i.e., the light, which              
          is electromagnetic radiation, at the input end of the fiber is                
          output at the end tips 36.  The display in Gery is clearly three-             
               Appellant contends that the fiber tip ends 36 in Gery are                
          not "discrete volumetric display" elements because the ends of                


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