Ex parte RAO et al. - Page 17

                 Appeal No. 96-3202                                                                                                                     
                 Application No. 08/183,464                                                                                                             

                 Rao  (which impregnates the surface) for the solid film9                                                                                                                                
                 lubricant on the outer surfaces of the cam (i.e., the base                                                                             
                 portion and the lobe portion) and the tappet to further                                                                                
                 decrease friction as set forth above with respect to claim 1.                                                                          

                          The arguments advanced by the appellants (brief, pp. 19-                                                                      
                 22 and reply brief, pp. 3-4) does not persuade us that claim                                                                           
                 14 is unobvious over the applied prior art for the reasons                                                                             
                 stated above with respect to claim 1.                                                                                                  

                 Claims 2 through 13 and 15 through 19                                                                                                  
                          As set forth previously, the appellants have grouped                                                                          
                 claims 1 through 13 as standing or falling together and claim                                                                          
                 14 through 19 as standing or falling together.  Thereby, in                                                                            
                 accordance with 37 CFR � 1.192(c)(7), dependent claims 2                                                                               
                 through 13 fall with independent claim 1 and dependent claims                                                                          
                 15 through 19 fall with independent claim 14.  Thus, it                                                                                
                 follows that the examiner's rejections of claim 2 through 13                                                                           
                 and 15 through 19 under                                                                                                                


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