Ex parte HANSEN et al. - Page 6

          Appeal No. 96-4022                                                          
          Application 08/197,011                                                      

          than a broad reference to the numeral 40, there are no words                
          which describe the lower axial extent of the flank portion or               
               Independent claims 9 and 16 additionally lack precision and            
          particularity in that lines 7 and 8  of each of these claims3                                        
          expressly sets forth that the plurality of cutters are located              
          on the flank portion but then, in contradiction, sets forth in              
          lines 13 and 14 that none of the first plurality of cutters are             
          located on the flank portion.  Additionally, independent claims 9           
          and 16 on the one hand each sets forth in lines 3 and 4 that the            
          gage portion is located above the bit body but, on the other                
          hand, in line 5 makes reference to “said gage portion of said bit           
          body.”  How can something that is located above the bit body be             
          considered to be a part of the bit body?                                    
               Moreover, independent claims 9, 16, 21 and 23 are inaccurate           
          in the technical sense since there is no disclosed structure                
          which would allow for either the (1) second cutter or cutters               
          (claims 9 and 21), (2) wear knot (claim 16) or (3) flank cutter             
          (claim 23) to “selectively” engage portions of the wall of the              

               3 The reference to specific lines in the claims in this                
          decision is with respect to the lines in the claims as they                 
          appear in the appellants’ brief.                                            

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