Ex parte HANSEN et al. - Page 8

          Appeal No. 96-4022                                                          
          Application 08/197,011                                                      

          21, lines 11 and 12; claim 23, lines 11 and 12).  Similarly, in             
          independent claims 21 and 23 “in substantially the same one or              
          more radial planes” should apparently be -- along substantially             
          the same one or more radial planes-- (claim 21, line 16; claim              
          23, lines 15 and 16).  We also observe that it is the centers of            
          the cutters that are located along a radial plane inasmuch as               
          some of the cutting faces of the cutters are angularly disposed             
          with respect to a radial plane (i.e., have an increased backrake            
               In dependent claims 10-15, “said at least one flank cutter”            
          lacks a clear antecedent basis since both the first plurality of            
          cutters and the “at least one second cutter” have been set forth            
          in parent claim 9 as being located on the flank portion.  We also           
          observe that both the first and second cutters are referred to as           
          “flank cutters” in the specification (see, e.g., pages 5 and 6).            
               Claims 2-7, 9-21 and 23 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 112,            
          first paragraph, as being based upon an original disclosure which           
          fails to provide descriptive support for the subject matter now             
          being claimed.  We initially observe that the description                   
          requirement found in the first paragraph of 35 U.S.C. § 112 is              
          separate from the enablement requirement of that provision.  See            
          Vas-Cath Inc. v. Mahurkar, 935 F.2d 1555, 1560-64, 19 USPQ2d                


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