Ex parte KANO et al. - Page 2

          Appeal No. 97-2504                                                          
          Application 08/200,707                                                      

          This is a decision on the appeal under 35 U.S.C. § 134                      
          from the examiner's rejection of claims 1 and 3.  Claims 2 and              
          4-6 have been cancelled.  Claims 7-9 stand withdrawn from                   
          consideration as being directed to a nonelected invention.                  
          The claimed invention pertains to a container casing for                    
          housing a recording media therein.  More particularly, the                  
          invention is directed to external layers on the casing which                
          allow for color designs to be formed and areas in which writing             
          can be formed.                                                              
          Representative claim 1 is reproduced as follows:                            
               1.  A container casing for a recording media having a main             
          casing member having the recording media housed therein,                    
               a highly adhesive layer formed on an outer surface of said             
          main casing member;                                                         
               an ink receptive layer provided on said adhesive layer;                
               a colored layer printed on said ink receptive layer;                   
               a protective layer printed on said colored layer for                   
          protecting the colored layer; and                                           
               means defining an opening in said protective layer for                 
          exposing a part of said colored layer and defining an area of               
          said colored layer which is unprotected and on which writing can            
          be formed.                                                                  
          The examiner relies on the following references:                            
          Cocco et al. (Cocco)          4,996,681          Feb. 26, 1991              
          Sugaya et al. (Sugaya)        2,203,278          Oct. 12, 1988              

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