Ex parte KANO et al. - Page 11

          Appeal No. 97-2504                                                          
          Application 08/200,707                                                      

          would offset the loss of protection.  The prior art suggests no             
          benefit to be derived in removing part of the protective layer.             
          Appellants’ specification discloses that the ability to write on            
          the exposed portions of the colored layer is a benefit they                 
          desire to achieve.  In our view, the artisan would find no                  
          suggestion for exposing a part of the colored layer from the                
          applied prior art, but rather, such suggestion can only come from           
          appellants’ own specification.  Such hindsight reconstruction of            
          the invention is improper.  Thus, we do not sustain the rejection           
          of claim 1 as unpatentable over Cocco in view of Sugaya.                    
          With respect to the rejection of claim 3 as unpatentable                    
          over the teachings of Kogo, the examiner basically asserts that             

          it would have been obvious to the artisan to place a protective             
          cover over predetermined parts of Kogo’s printed color pattern 60           
          [answer, page 6].  Appellants again argue that the protective               
          layer being “printed” over the colored layer is not taught by               
          Kogo, and that Kogo would teach away from protecting only                   
          predetermined portions of the colored layer with the protective             
          We are again persuaded by both of these arguments.  The                     
          examiner has not provided any factual support for the position              


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