HOSHINO et al V. TANAKA - Page 31

          Interference No. 103,208                                                    
          Hoshino et al. v. Tanaka                                                    

          and no meaningful improvement would be achieved by the                      
          addition of a higher order term of the defocus amount to the                
          formula for calculating the corrected conversion coefficient.               
          But none of count 1 or proposed new counts 2, 3, and 4, is                  
          limited to any particular type of lens system.  Thus, the                   
          assertion of improvement is not commensurate in scope with                  
          proposed new count 4.                                                       
               Given count 1 which recites that the corrected conversion              
          coefficient is calculated on the basis of the detected defocus              
          amount and which does not exclude higher order terms, that                  
          higher order terms may be present to accompany a first order                
          term of the defocus amount follows from a straight reading of               
          count 1 and thus would be readily appreciated by one with                   
          ordinary skill in the art who is presumed to possess basic                  
          reading skills and certain level common sense.  See, e.g., In               
          re Bozek, 416 F.2d 1385, 1390, 163 USPQ 545, 549 (CCPA 1969).               

               The parties should not overlook or lose sight of the fact              
          that insofar as Hoshino’s Motion H2 is concerned, Hoshino must              

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