Ex parte KURTH - Page 23

          Appeal No. 93-4005                                                           
          Application 07/795,158                                                       

               Moreover, other prior art manifestly reveals that time is               
          a result oriented variable.  See, e.g., Reyes and the                        
          discussion in our Findings 37-39.                                            
               In addition to relying on considerable prior art not of                 
          record when the appeal reached the board, we have also relied                
          on new rationale.  Accordingly, this rejection is designated                 
          as a new ground of rejection under 37 CFR § 1.196(b).                        
               C.   Additional prior art                                               
               During the course of our deliberations, we became aware                 
          of two additional publications.  We call those publications to               
          the examiner and applicant:                                                  
                    (1) Ozbas et al., "Comparative study of riboflavin                 
          production from two microorganisms:  Eremothecium ashbyii and                
          Ashbya gossypii," 8 Enzyme Microb. Technol. 593 (1986).                      
                    (2) Tanaka et al., "Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Yeast                  
          Cell Walls," "Susceptibilities of Isolated Cell Walls and                    
          Ascus Walls of Various Yeasts to the Actions of Bacterial                    
          Endo-$-glucanases," Symposium on Yeast Protoplasts (1967).                   
               D.   Decision                                                           
               The decision of the examiner rejecting claims 3, 4 and 6                
          is reversed.                                                                 

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