Ex parte RAIKHEL et al. - Page 14

          Appeal No. 94-2156                                                           
          Application 07/888,366                                                       
          drawn to DNA and cDNA molecules which encode a protein in view               
          of prior art teaching of the complete amino acid sequence of                 
          the target protein and known methods of probing DNA libraries                
          with DNA segments corresponding to unique amino acid sequences               
          including amino acids having unique codons and isolating DNA                 
          and cDNA, the court left one matter for the PTO to consider.                 
          The matter was expressed as follows (id.):                                   
               Because Deuel’s patent application does not describe how                
               to obtain any DNA except the disclosed cDNA molecules,                  
               [the] claims . . . may be considered to be inadequately                 
               supported by the disclosure of the application.                         
          Like the court in Deuel at 1560, 34 USPQ2d at 1216, we will                  
          not address whether Claim 4 presently on appeal satisfies the                
          enablement requirement of § 112, first paragraph, but will                   
          leave to the examiner whether any further rejection is                       

          4.   Conclusion                                                              
               We reverse the examiner’s rejection of Claims 3 and 4                   
          under 35 U.S.C. § 103 over the combined teachings of Walujono,               
          Broekaert, and Weissman.                                                     
               We reverse the examiner’s rejection of Claim 3 under                    

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