Ex parte DOWDLE - Page 7

          Appeal No. 95-0155                                                          
          Application No. 07/890,335                                                  

          over tPA in treating thrombosis and related diseases.  In                   
          showing the characteristics of pro-tPA, and in predicting its               
          superior performance in vivo, applicant sets forth in vitro                 
          data in the specification (Examples 8 and 10).  The 1986 and                
          1988 publications of Rao and Rijken, respectively, further                  
          support the fact stated in the specifi-cation that pro-tPA is               
          more advantageous than tPA as a pharma-ceutical for treating                
          thrombosis and related diseases.  The Rao and Rijken                        
          publications (copies attached to the Supplemental Reply Brief)              
          provide evidence that pro-tPA is clinically superior to tPA                 
          when administered in vivo to human patients.                                
               Having considered all the evidence of record, including                
          the Rao and Rijken publications, we find that the claimed                   
          subject matter possesses unexpectedly superior properties.  On              
          this basis, the rejection of claims 69, 70, 72 through 78, 80               
          through 84, 87 through 90 and 92 through 96 under 35 U.S.C.                 
          § 103 as unpatentable over European Patent Application 0 041                
          766 is reversed.                                                            

                         SHERMAN D. WINTERS            )                              
                         Administrative Patent Judge   )                              


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