Ex parte GATTI - Page 4

          Appeal No. 95-1515                                                          
          Application 08/027,656                                                      

                    more than one claim, it will be presumed                          
                    that the rejected claims stand or fall                            
                    together unless a statement is included                           
                    that the rejected claims do not stand or                          
                    fall together, and in the appropriate part                        
                    or parts of the argument under subparagraph                       
                    (c)(6) of this section appellant presents                         
                    reasons as to why appellant considers the                         
                    rejected claims to be separately                                  
          As per 37 CFR § 1.192(c)(5), which was controlling at the time              
          of Appellant's filing the brief, we will, thereby, consider                 
          Appellant’s claims 1 through 4 and 7 to stand or fall                       

          with claim 1 being considered the representative claim.  We                 
          will treat claims 5, 6 , 8 and 9 separately.                                
               On pages 4 and 5 of the brief, Appellant argues that                   
          there is no suggestion in the references to combined in the                 
          manner suggested by the Examiner.  Appellant argues that a                  
          person skilled in the art who was looking to develop an                     
          attachment that would allow a camera to photograph two                      
          separate and distinct slides and create a single slide with                 
          the two original slides reproduced next to each other would                 


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