Ex parte GATTI - Page 6

          Appeal No. 95-1515                                                          
          Application 08/027,656                                                      

          denied, 117 S.Ct. 80 (1996), that for the determination of                  
          obviousness, the court must answer whether one of ordinary                  
          skill in the art who sets out to solve the problem and who had              
          before him in his workshop the prior art, would have been                   
          reasonably expected to use the solution that is claimed by the              
               The Examiner points to Vitou for a suggestion to combine               
          the apparatus for making a single photograph from two                       
          photographs as taught in the second group of references                     
          (Ramsdell, Papritz, Sayanagi and Murphy) with camera structure              
          for making a photograph of a photograph as taught in the                    
          second group of                                                             
          references (Vitou, Black, Mumpower and Wyller).  In                         
          we note that Vitou teaches in column 1, lines 15-19, that it                
          is sometimes desirable to reproduce one of more positive                    
          images on the same frame of film.                                           
               After a careful review of the references, we find that                 
          from the suggestion found in Vitou, those skilled in the art                
          would have looked to the teaching of the second group of                    
          references (Ramsdell, Papritz, Sayanagi and Murphy) to modify               

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