Ex parte GATTI - Page 7

          Appeal No. 95-1515                                                          
          Application 08/027,656                                                      

          the camera as                                                               
          taught in the first group of references (Vitou, Black,                      
          Mumpower and Wyller) to obtain a photographic apparatus for                 
          attachment to a camera lens for simultaneously creating a                   
          single slide transparency or photograph from a plurality of                 
          slide transparen-cies having distinct images exposed thereon                
          as recited in Appellant's claim 1.                                          
               Appellant further points out on pages 4 and 5 of the                   
          brief that the second group of references (Vitou, Black,                    
          Mumpower and Wyller) makes a single photograph from two                     
          photographs where the two photographs are of an image                       
          simultaneously photographed from two angles.   Appellant                    
          argues that since the two photographs are of the same image                 
          viewed from two different angles that the two                               
          photograph are not two different slide transparencies.                      
               We disagree.  Vitou, Black, Mumpower and Wyller teach                  
          that the photographs are not the same image but the same                    
          subject viewed from two different angles.  Furthermore, we                  
          note that Appellant's claim 1 language only requires that the               
          slide transparencies have distinct images exposed thereon.                  
          The claim language does not preclude images of the same                     

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