Ex parte HANSEN - Page 9

          Appeal No. 95-2580                                                          
          Application 08/110,958                                                      

          replacement for the cylindrical section 106 of Hansen Fig. 4),              
          we are of the opinion that this modification of the Hansen                  
          ampule would result in an ampule like that set forth in                     
          appellant’s claim 1 on appeal, wherein at least one, if not                 
          all, of the four                                                            
          grooves/channels would be “spaced from said longitudinal                    
          middle plane” of the ampule defined by the separation plane of              
          the mold in which the ampule is formed.  In this regard, note               
          appellant’s argument on page 13 of the brief re:  claim 2,                  
          wherein appellant urges that the combination of Hansen and                  
          Rose would result in passages being located at 45 degree                    
          angles to the longitudinal middle plane.                                    

                    Regarding dependent claims 12 through 14 on appeal,               
          we note that Figures 1 and 2 of the Hansen patent appear to be              
          identical to Figures 1 and 2 of the present application with                
          respect to the external appearance of the depicted ampules,                 
          and thus the Hansen patent clearly includes the planar flange               
          of appellant’s claim 12 and an arrangement thereof which                    
          circum- scribes the ampule body and neck as in claims 13 and                


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