Ex parte HANSEN - Page 16

          Appeal No. 95-2580                                                          
          Application 08/110,958                                                      

          longitudinal passage being spaced from and located in a plane               
          perpendicular to said longi- tudinal middle plane, said first               
          longitudinal passage having a                                               

          shape and dimensions to form means for only allowing air to                 
          pass therethrough, but preventing liquid from passing                       
          therethrough, when the conical member is fully inserted in                  
          said neck, said inside wall of said neck including a radially               
          inwardly projecting annular bead, said first longitudinal                   
          passage being formed by an interruption in said bead, said                  
          neck including an outer surface with an annular groove                      
          laterally adjacent said bead, said annular groove having                    
          interruptions aligned with said interruptions in said bead.                 

                                        - A2 -                                        

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