Ex parte WEISHAUPT - Page 7

          Appeal No. 95-2730                                                          
          Application No. 08/169959                                                   

               Thus, the two modes of operations merely involve the                   
          measuring of the relative speed of an object vis á vis a                    
          vehicle and the determination of the position/direction of                  
          that object, i.e., standing still, moving in the same                       
          direction but slower than the vehicle or coming at the                      
          vehicle.  The skilled artisan was aware of how to make such                 
          determinations from the prior art at the time of filing the                 
          instant application.                                                        
               The claimed subject matter merely involves a combination               
          of these two modes wherein the mode is selectable. It would                 
          appear unreasonable to assume that the skilled artisan would                
          have needed to resort to anything more than routine                         
          experimentation in order to practice the instant claimed                    
          invention whereby one may switch between the two modes of                   
          operation.  The skilled artisan certainly could have employed               
          a switch or some logic circuitry,                                           
          including, for example, AND/or NOR gates, in a routine manner               
          to implement the selection between the first and second                     
          operating modes.                                                            
               Accordingly, in view of the rather simple functions to be              
          performed and the availability of prior art devices for                     


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