Ex parte KERKER, JR., et al. - Page 2

          Appeal No. 95-3378                                                          
          Application No. 08/126,443                                                  

                                 DECISION ON APPEAL                                   
               This is an appeal from the final rejection of claims 1                 
          through 7.  In an Amendment After Final (paper number 18), claims           
          1 and 7 were amended, and claim 2 was canceled.  Accordingly,               
          claims 1 and 3 through 7 remain on appeal.                                  
               The disclosed invention relates to a method of operating and           
          storing data in a graphics display system to facilitate creation            
          and display of sectional views of solid objects.                            
               Claim 1 is illustrative of the claimed invention, and it               
          reads as follows:                                                           
               1.  A method of operating a graphics display system to                 
          facilitate creation and display of sectional views of solid                 
          objects, said method comprising the steps of:                               
               defining a base model or accessing a pre-existing base model           
          of a solid object to be displayed in a sectional view;                      
               defining a model of a sectioning object or accessing a pre-            
          existing model of a sectioning object;                                      
               specifying a desired Boolean logic operation for applying              
          said sectioning object model to said base model;                            
               generating a hierarchically combined model of said solid               
          object for subsequent generation of at least one view of said               
          object, said combined model incorporating both said base model              
          and said sectioning object model, for sectioning in accordance              
          with said sectioning object model and in accordance with said               
          Boolean logic operation as applied to said base model;                      
               modifying said sectioning model while simultaneously viewing           
          said base model;                                                            
               modifying said base model within said hierarchically                   

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Last modified: November 3, 2007