Ex parte HATWAR et al. - Page 12

            Appeal No. 95-4066                                                                         
            Application 07/963,189                                                                     

            percents claimed by appellants are described.                                              
                  Accordingly, to the extent the rejected claims require                               
            either a silver-palladium alloy or a silver-copper alloy, the                              
            proposed combination of prior art does not make out a prima                                
            facie case of obviousness. As we noted above, Takahashi is                                 
            directed to lowering the coefficient of thermal conductivity                               
            of aluminum alloys not silver alloys. Hasegawa does not                                    
            describe silver-palladium alloys at all and only broadly                                   
            suggests silver-copper alloys to be useful. Additionally,                                  
            Hasegawa requires a layer between the recording layer and the                              
            reflective layer we find is excluded by appellants' claims.                                
            Shindo is directed to aluminum-hafnium alloys as reflective                                
            layers and neither describes nor suggests silver-palladium nor                             
            silver-copper alloys. Where the legal conclusion of                                        
            obviousness is not supported by facts it cannot stand. See In                              
            re Warner, 379 F.2d 1011, 1017, 154 USPQ 173, 178 (CCPA 1967).                             
                  The examiner's rejection of claim 7 as being unpatentable                            
            under 35 U.S.C. § 103 from "appellants' admissions" considered                             
            with Tomie in further view of Shindo is affirmed for reasons                               
            expressed above with respect to the examiner's first stated                                


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