Ex parte GENATOSSIO et al. - Page 2

          Appeal No. 97-2893                                                          
          Application No. 29/038,948                                                  

          affirmed the examiner's rejection of the appealed design claim              
          under 35 U.S.C.                                                             
          § 112, second paragraph.                                                    

               We have carefully considered the arguments raised by the               
          appellants in their request for rehearing, however, those                   
          arguments do not persuade us that our decision was in error in              
          any respect.                                                                

               In the request, the appellants list five points believed to            
          have been misapprehended or overlooked in rendering our                     
          decision.  We will address each of these points in the order                
          they are presented in the request.                                          

               First, the appellants argue that we overlooked or                      
          misapprehended that the claim under appeal points out the bounds            
          between infringing and noninfringing conduct with greater                   
          particularity by including "substantially" in the claim because             
          the settled rule is that a design patent is infringed if the                
          accused design is substantially the same as the design shown in             
          the drawings.                                                               

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Last modified: November 3, 2007