Ex parte GENATOSSIO et al. - Page 6

                 Appeal No. 97-2893                                                                                                                     
                 Application No. 29/038,948                                                                                                             

                 Furthermore, as we noted on page 22 of our decision, it is                                                                             
                 debatable whether or not this data establishes that for which it                                                                       
                 is cited.                                                                                                                              

                          As pointed out on pages 15-19 of our decision, the cases                                                                      
                 cited by the appellants are not controlling and do not support                                                                         
                 the appellants' position because none of them addresses the                                                                            
                 issue of how inclusion of the word "substantially" in a design                                                                         
                 claim impacts upon the requirement of 35 U.S.C. § 112, second                                                                          
                 paragraph, that an inventor must particularly point out and                                                                            
                 distinctly claim what he regards as his invention.                                        5                                            

                          Third, the appellants argue that we overlooked or                                                                             
                 misapprehended that the PTO is acting arbitrarily and                                                                                  
                 capriciously to deprive the appellants of a property right                                                                             
                 without due process of law in granting design patents to other                                                                         

                          5In fact, our research has not uncovered any final court                                                                      
                 or Board decision in which the issue of how inclusion of the                                                                           
                 word "substantially" in a design claim impacts upon the                                                                                
                 requirement of 35 U.S.C. § 112, second paragraph, was decided.                                                                         
                 This includes the cases cited by the examiner to support the                                                                           
                 rejection.  Thus, there is no binding precedent for this panel                                                                         
                 of the Board to follow.  See Ex parte Holt, 19 USPQ2d 1211,                                                                            
                 1214 (Bd. Pat. App. & Int. 1991).                                                                                                      

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