Ex parte GENATOSSIO et al. - Page 7

          Appeal No. 97-2893                                                          
          Application No. 29/038,948                                                  

          in "the ornamental design . . . substantially as shown and                  
          described" while denying such protection to the appellants.                 

               We respectfully disagree with the appellants on this point.            
          In our view, the PTO in the present case has advanced convincing            
          reasoning in support of its position which has not been rebutted            
          by the appellants.  Under these circumstances, the PTO cannot be            
          said to be acting arbitrarily and capriciously in refusing to               
          grant the appellants a patent.  Further, and as stated above, to            
          the extent any error has been made in the rejection or issuance             
          of claims in a particular application, the PTO and its examiners            
          are not bound to repeat that error in subsequent applications.              

               Fourth, the appellants contend that we overlooked or                   
          misapprehended the impropriety of an MPEP ruling based on dictum            
          in a footnote of a Board decision in conflict with authoritative            
          rulings of binding precedent for more than a century.                       

               This is apparently in regard to our reference on pages 19-             
          20 of our decision to MPEP § 1504.04, and/or to the examiner's              
          reliance on In re Sussman, 8 USPQ2d 1443 (Bd. Pat. App. & Int.              

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