Ex parte GENATOSSIO et al. - Page 3

                 Appeal No. 97-2893                                                                                                                     
                 Application No. 29/038,948                                                                                                             

                          This is essentially a rehash of arguments previously made                                                                     
                 in the brief, and has been treated on pages 22-24 of our                                                                               
                 decision.  It is not apparent to us how the presence of the word                                                                       
                 "substantially" in the Gorham  test for infringement  of a design3                                       4                                         
                 claim mandates that it is proper, within the meaning of 35                                                                             
                 U.S.C. § 112, second paragraph, for the appellants' design claim                                                                       
                 to include the word "substantially" in the absence of some                                                                             
                 standard or guideline in the specification apprising the                                                                               
                 designer of ordinary skill just what that term encompasses.                                                                            

                          Second, the appellants contend that we overlooked or                                                                          
                 misapprehended the point that 37 CFR § 1.153(a), cited by us on                                                                        
                 pages 12-15 of our decision in support of our position, is in                                                                          
                 exactly the same form as when adopted on December 22, 1959, and                                                                        
                 in force when (1) the PTO issued the at least 18,537 design                                                                            
                 patents with "substantially" in the claim since 1971, and (2)                                                                          
                 two court decisions were decided.  The first point the                                                                                 

                          3  Gorham Mfg. Co. v. White, 81 U.S. (14 Wall) 511, 528                                                                       
                          4In an infringement action, both parties may present                                                                          
                 evidence on the issue of whether two designs are substantially                                                                         
                 the same.                                                                                                                              

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