Ex parte KASA-DJUKIC - Page 2

          Appeal No. 97-3070                                                          
          Application 08/584,097                                                      

          remaining in the application.                                               
               We AFFIRM.                                                             
               The appellant's invention pertains to an easel for                     
          a stretched canvas or other painting surfaces.  Independent                 
          claim 12 is further illustrative of the appealed subject                    
          matter and reads as follows:                                                
               12.  An easel for a stretched canvas or other painting                 
          ground, comprising:                                                         
               a support element defining a substantially vertical axis;              
               a holding element fitted onto the support element and                  
          moveable with relation to the support element along the axis                
          of the support element;                                                     
               electrically operable means for moving the holding                     
          element along the axis of the support element;                              
               means for fastening the painting ground attached to the                
          holding element, said fastening means being rotatable about an              
          axis disposed at an angle of between about 45E and about 90E                
          to the axis of the support element; and                                     
               means for rotating said fastening means that includes an               
          electric motor.                                                             

               The references relied on by the examiner are:                          
          Drachman                 2,309,578                Jan. 26, 1943             
          Akers                    2,434,827                Jan. 20, 1948             
          Markle                   2,599,269                June  3, 1952             
          Tolegian                 3,006,107                Oct. 31, 1961             

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