Ex parte KASA-DJUKIC - Page 4

                 Appeal No. 97-3070                                                                                                                     
                 Application 08/584,097                                                                                                                 

                 nonobviousness, the appellant has relied on two declarations                                                                           
                 by Close and a declaration by Ross.                                                                                                    

                          Initially we note that the appellant has not separately                                                                       
                 argued the patentability of dependent claims 15 and 17-27.                                              3                              
                 Accordingly, these claims will stand or fall with parent claim                                                                         
                 12.  37 CFR § 1.192(c)(7).                                                                                                             
                          We have carefully reviewed the appellant's invention as                                                                       
                 described in the specification, the appealed claims, the prior                                                                         
                 art applied by the examiner, the respective positions advanced                                                                         
                 by the appellant in the brief and by the examiner in the                                                                               
                 answer, and the evidence of nonobviousness supplied by the                                                                             
                 appellant.  As a consequence of this review, we will sustain                                                                           
                 all of the above-noted rejections.                                                                                                     

                          3As to claims 23, 26 and 27, the appellant has stated                                                                         
                 with respect to each of these claims that the limitations                                                                              
                 thereof are "not relied on to show the nonobvious nature of                                                                            
                 the claimed invention" (see brief, pages 12 and 13).                                                                                   

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