Ex parte KASA-DJUKIC - Page 9

          Appeal No. 97-3070                                                          
          Application 08/584,097                                                      

          a reference is from a nonanalogous art is first, whether it is              
          within the field of the inventor's endeavor, and second, if it              
          is not, whether it is reasonably pertinent to the particular                
          problem with which the inventor was involved.  In re Wood, 599              
          F.2d 1032, 1036, 202 USPQ 171, 174 (CCPA 1979).  A reference                
          is reasonably pertinent if, even though it may be in a                      
          different field of endeavor, it is one which because of the                 
          matter with which it deals, logically would have commended                  
          itself to an inventor's attention in considering his problem.               
          In re Clay, 966 F.2d 656, 659, 23 USPQ2d 1058, 1061 (Fed. Cir.              
               It is true that Akers is not in the appellant's field of               
          endeavor.  That is, Akers provides for the ease of adjustment               
          (see, e.g., column 7, lines 9-12) of a holder for a specific                
          article (i.e., an X-ray apparatus).  Nevertheless, inasmuch as              
          both the appellant and Akers are concerned with providing                   
          article holders that are easily adjustable, Akers is                        
          reasonably pertinent to the appellant's problem of providing                
          for the ease of adjust-ment of an easel (which is likewise a                


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